So, October 18th, in the wonderful land of beer, a brand new book about Belgian Beer was introduced at the famous Bruges' Beer Pub't Brugs Beertje in Brugge, Belgium!This book is called "All Belgian Beers" and its about ALL THE BELGIAN BEERS IN THE WORLD! (which are only in Belgium) Yes. I want this book so badly.
Never before has such a comprehensive focused guide with 756 unique Belgian Beers been published. Actually I don't know if that's true, but it's a really comprehensive book!You know what the kicker is? It was written by a woman!
Hilde Deweer has painstakingly put together this 1568 page volume with great care and precision, highlighting each beer on 2 pages with a picture (pictures are good), flavor description, beer style, fermentation style, brewery, ingredients, alcohol volume percentage, color, appearance, serving tips, serving temperature, and other pertinent information. YEAH BEER CHICKS ROCK!
The other cool thing about this book is that while it is voluminous, its still small enough to fit inside your huge Chloe handbag. Keep it like a journal because the lower part of the left page has some space to write down personal experiences, so it's a book to carry with you - all the time. I want it.
I don't know if this book is available in the United States yet, but you can click HERE for more ordering details and information in English. The book is 35 Euro. I don't know how much that is in American dollars, but I want it.
Thank you all of you who came to visit me tonight at the Tasting Experience at the Savor the Season event benefiting Break the Cycle. As per many of your requests, I'm posting the list of the beers I featured at the tasting. It was so much fun meeting so many people in my industry that are interested in quality over quantity and taste above all!
I need to also thank from the bottom of my heart Craftsman Brewing Company and Unibroue for once again providing me with some of the best beer in the world! Your beers won raves and made me look good.
I also wanted to say what a thrill it was to meet Bonnie Graves - Wine Consultant and Sommelier or as she says "Fancy Wine Girl," Joni and Denise of Saltistry or as I call them "the Salt Girls." You have to check out their salt gifts (truffle & salt - need I say more?) at their website. It was a thrill to meet Hasty, Madame Chocolate, THE most amazing Chocolatier ever, and Barrie Lynn, the Cheese Impressario - think 6 year aged artisanal cheddar in a dried hibiscus flower! GO CHICKS! You rock it! We will definitely work together again! All we need is a bacon girl....any out there?