As soon as I walked in I went directly to the Stone tent to try their 12th Anniversary Ale. Every year, Stone brews a Special Release (a phrase that always makes me giggle) for their birthday. This year it was a Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout, and it's awesome. This is a nice soft well-balanced stout. Like most Stone beers, this one is not shy on the flavor. They use bitter cocoa from Carlsbad jewel Chuao Chocolatier, which gives it a deliciously chocolate flavor, but no cloying sweetness that this style is sometimes guilty of. Secondary flavors are hints of coffee and anise. The beer finishes with a chalky dryness that balances out the creamy velvet mouthfeel provided by the Oats and the 9.2% ABV! I risked killing my palate by trying a deep black stout as my first beer, but the risk payed off. This is a great beer.
As I mentioned in the previous post, part of the reason I went to this event was to try other Bruery beers. I really loved Trade Winds Tripel, which is their Summer seasonal beer. Its a Belgian-style Golden Ale, but in The Bruery's practice, they mixed it up a little bit. Instead of using candi sugar like most Belgian Goldens, they used rice as a malt source/ This actually lightened the body of the beer while still providing enough fermentable sugars for some high gravity. And here's the kicker, the beer is then flavored with Thai Basil. How much do you love that? This is a delightful beer, that harkens to my other favorite asian flavor inspired beer Great White. ABV: 8%. I also got to meet Bruery owners Patrick and Rachel Rue and their very talented brewer Tyler. They are cool people and Patrick had even read this little old blog. I'll definitely be bringing you more news from them!
So as I was standing in the incredibly long line for Victory (never got there), a middle-aged guy with a big sunburn kept holding out a beer to me... "Here!" he said, "I don't like it," and handed the glass to me. A couple of things ran through my mind. My immediate reaction was to not accept this beer, for obvious reasons, but since he assured me that he hadn't drunk from the glass, I decided to risk getting ruffied. (Don't do this.) I took a sip, and I loved it! What was this wonderful beer, and how was it that someone could not like it?
When I turned around to ask him, he was gone. Was he just a good samaritan, or was he the elusive beer fairy that I've been hearing about my whole life? I don't know, but he gave me a great beer from Pizza Port in Carlsbad, the taste was something familiar, I was able to lean my head around the crowd and see that it was a sage beer. Interesting, since Craftsman Triple White Sage is the only beer I've had with sage and its one of my favorites! Anyway, I didn't really get the name of this one, but I loved it. I don't think that you can get it in bottles, so if you are ever at Pizza Port and you see a sage beer - get it. Its good.
I also met the owner of Wandering Aengus Ciderworks from Oregon. I love and have recommended their Medium Sweet 100% heirloom apple cider. This time I tried their dry cider. It was super dry and had a definite champagne quality. This cider is also made with heirloom apple varieties that have big tannins, then the cider is fermented and aged in untoasted Oregon white oak barrels. It was nice, tart, spicy, woody and dry - PLUS its 8% ABV. Delish.
The last beer of the day I had was a surprise big favorite. I had the Oaked Arrogant Bastard ale from Stone Brewing company on CASK. Oh happy day. I like Arrogant Bastard, but I really have to be in the mood for it, you know? However, I was so pleasantly surprised by this beer on cask, I couldn't believe it. I thought that without sharp carbonation in this beer, it would be super malty and sticky, but the combination of the dry oak barrels used and the soft cask creaminess, this beer was amazing. It was woody and dry, toasty and nutty, it had a wonderful piney hop presence and a perfectly balanced 7.2% ABV maltiness. I totally geeked out on this one. If I ever have a bar with beers on cask - I'll have this one on tap for shizzle.
And that's my recap for the 12th Anniversary Celebration! The only bummer was that Craftsman wasn't there this year. (They are a little busy over at the brewery!) I can't wait until next year...only 363 days left.
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