I was browsing the web for beer information and ran across this article for Homemade Beer Shampoo at the Brookston Beer Bulletin. Now you can use those cans of mass produced, industrialized beer that have been mitigated to the back of the fridge now that your beer world has expanded beyond them.
Here's what J wrote:
"I've always heard that beer is good for your hair and can be used as a shampoo, but I've never actually tested that theory. But I recently stumbled across this fairly easy-to-make recipe for making your own beer shampoo a health food blog, the Natural Holistic Health Blog. Dr. Dee claims that the beer "coats the hair," helping to repair damaged hair and give it "wonderful body." The doc also claims there are proteins in both malt and hops which are good for your hair.
Here's the recipe in its entirety:
Take a 3/4 cup of beer - any cheap brand will do - plus one cup of inexpensive
shampoo. Boil the beer until it reduces to 1/4 cup. Cool the beer and add it to
the 1 cup of inexpensive shampoo.That's it. Lather up, Rinse, Repeat."

Click here if you want to buy it.
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