After 19 years of being a professional brewer, 17 of those as Brewmaster at Steelhead Brewing Company, Teri quit her job and set out on a 5 month "epic beer adventure." How awesome is that? I think that I just discovered a new dream.
You have to check out the extensive blog that she kept called Road Brewer that followed her journey as she camped in a 15 foot trailer that she called "Big Buddy" as she visited and BREWED with professional brewers all across these United States. And she went to some awesome breweries: Dogfishhead, Allagash, Brooklyn Brewery, Jolly Pumpkin ... she even went to Bloomington, IN and visited Upland (GO HOOSIERS!) If you ever want to put together a little beer road trip, her blog is the place to start.

Number of US states through: 30
Number of breweries visited : 71
Number of days on the road: 139
Number of miles: 12,656
Teri writes, "Now it's your turn. Take the torch and drive with it, as far as you can afford to go. Map out your own road trip. Make your connections, put on your "big boots," and go. And try to write, so we can enjoy the journey too!
I might just take you up on that Terri.
I just might.

Oh, BTW - these are the pink boots that I want for when I brew next time! They're Wellingtons and I love them and somebody's got a birthday coming up!
Written by The Beer Chick, September 3, 2008
Hehe! Subtle hinting there. I'm guessing your family and friends must read the blog.
ReplyDeleteI've just discovered your blog through blog catalogue. Will be adding you to my blogroll so I don't miss anything.
I hope you got your boots! ;)